Lip Fillers Wellings Stages

Lip Filler Day 2 – How to Minimize Bruises and Bleeding After Your Lip Filler

Lip Filler Day 2 - How to Minimize Bruises and Bleeding After Your Lip Filler
Written by sunny

Bruising, soreness, and bleeding are all possible after your lip filler. In order to minimize these side effects, you should limit your intake of spicy foods and hot drinks. You can also wear lip-enhancing concealer to cover up the bruises. If you’re worried about the appearance of your bruises after your filler, watch this video to find out how to cover up bruises and bleeding. Read on for some tips and tricks.


Bruising after a lip filler treatment is not uncommon. Several studies show that 19% to 24% of patients experience this problem, but others suggest that a higher proportion of people experience bruising than this. This issue is especially prevalent in areas of the body that show signs of aging, like the lips and marionette lines. To help prevent bruising, you should eat pineapple. Bruising occurs when blood vessels are damaged.

Bruising may also occur if you have a very light treatment, such as a lip injection. This type of bruising is usually easily covered by dark lipstick. It is also recommended that you wait for at least 24 hours before applying any make-up after the procedure to avoid any complications. Besides, it’s best to avoid exerting too much pressure on your lip area during the first 24 hours.

Lip Filler Day 2 - How to Minimize Bruises and Bleeding After Your Lip Filler

Lip Filler Day 2 – How to Minimize Bruises and Bleeding After Your Lip Filler


If you’re planning to have a lip augmentation procedure, you should expect a day or two of soreness after the procedure. Although swelling is minimal, you can apply ice to the area to decrease pain and reduce inflammation. Ice packs should be applied to the area several times a day for the first 24 hours. You should avoid taking aspirin or other NSAIDs after your lip filler treatment.

You can apply aloe vera or arnica cream to the injection site if you notice bruising. Ice packs can help reduce pain and reduce swelling and itchiness, and applying ice to the area can help alleviate the bruising. If your lip filler procedure caused bruising, you should not strenuously exercise for the first 72 hours. Applying cool compresses to the area will also reduce pain and swelling.

Avoiding hot drinks

Several people have found that drinking alcohol after their lip filler treatment has a negative effect on their lips. Alcohol acts as a blood thinner and dilates blood vessels, which exacerbates swelling. Similarly, most people are dehydrated. To minimize swelling, drink water. Smoking and vaping also increase the chances of infection and worsen swelling. Lastly, avoid alcohol and hot drinks for at least 24 hours after your lip filler treatment.

Another common ailment that many people experience is dry lips. In this case, it is crucial that you avoid hot drinks for at least a day. This will help the lips heal naturally. You can also drink plenty of water. Avoid alcohol and hot drinks to prevent swelling and discomfort. It is also wise to avoid messy foods. If possible, avoid drinking with a straw, as these can cause a lot of pressure on your lips.

Lip Filler Day 2 - How to Minimize Bruises and Bleeding After Your Lip Filler

Lip Filler Day 2 – How to Minimize Bruises and Bleeding After Your Lip Filler

Avoiding spicy foods

If you’re worried about your lip enhancement lasting too long, don’t fret. Most lip fillers are temporary and you can resume your regular diet on day two. However, make sure you stay away from spicy foods for the first 24 hours. Your lips will still be sensitive to hot and spicy foods, so avoid them at least two days after your lip filler treatment. You should also avoid using any topical products with retinoids or glycolic acid. Both of these products can adversely affect the results of your filler.

It’s best to avoid drinking alcohol and hot or cold beverages after your lip filler session to minimize the chance of infection. You should also avoid touching your lips for several days after your procedure to reduce the chance of infection. Also, you should avoid eating spicy or messy foods for at least 12 hours after your session. This can also prevent you from licking your lips and causing infection. If you are sensitive to pain, you should avoid spicy foods until the day after your treatment.

Skin care treatments

Before undergoing lip filler treatment, you should follow a few simple steps. Avoid smoking and alcohol, as these substances can break down dermal fillers, which can result in less than ideal results. Also, avoid dietary supplements that soften the blood, as these can cause increased swelling and bruising. Try sleeping on your back to avoid pressure. Alternatively, you can also use mineral makeup, which is usually free of allergens.

Aloe vera and arnica cream can help reduce bruising. Ice packs wrapped in a thin cloth can also help reduce itchiness and reduce swelling. Ice packs are another great option to soothe the area, but make sure not to overdo it. After lip filler treatment, you should avoid strenuous activities and applying makeup for at least 24 hours. If possible, use ice packs instead of lipstick.

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